Like other churches, we have our distinguishing features. We are not perfect in our implementation, but we strive to worship and operate with the following core ideals in mind. We pray that God will give us continued grace in moving forward for His glory.
We identify ourselves as Baptists for three primary reasons. First, we—along with Baptists who have gone before us—value Scripture as our only rule of faith and practice. Second, we emphasize baptism as a believer’s public profession of his personal and conscious faith in Jesus’ substitutionary work on the cross. Third, as baptized believers, we believe that members of the congregation are responsible to guard and care for the doctrine and membership of their local church.
We are deliberately conservative in our cultural and philosophical stance as we seek to preserve the heritage of Christian belief and practice. Culturally, we cherish the traditional understanding of marriage, family, and worship. Philosophically, we herald the absolute nature of truth, goodness, and beauty. Thus, it is our desire to cultivate ordinate affections in our prayer, preaching, worship, and lifestyle.
Christian fundamentalism grew out of the early twentieth-century controversy between theological liberalism and orthodox evangelicalism. While Christian fundamentalism has been rightly criticized on various fronts, its core ideas are nonetheless sound. The kind of fundamentalism we seek to promote recognizes that doctrines pertaining to the gospel is fundamental to the definition of Christianity. Though Christians disagree over peripheral teachings of Scripture, they must believe in the truths pertaining to the gospel; otherwise, they abandon Christianity.